How To Fix PlayStation 4 Error Code CE-33992-6

How To Fix PlayStation 4 Error Code CE-33992-6 (Updated) – 2024

For millions of people worldwide, the PlayStation 4 is a cherished gaming device that has provided countless hours of excitement and fun for players of all ages. But just like any other piece of technology, it occasionally experiences glitches and malfunctions.

One such frequent problem that owners of the PS4 may run into is the CE-33992-6 error code. This problem might be annoying because it frequently interferes with online functionality and makes it difficult to play games smoothly.

When the PS4 is unable to connect to the internet or use specific network services, PlayStation 4 Error Code CE-33992-6 usually appears. Numerous things, including network issues, out-of-date system software, or configuration problems with the console, could be the cause of this difficulty.

We will examine the nuances of Error Code CE-33992-6 in detail in this extensive tutorial, providing you with the information and fixes you need to address it head-on.

Regardless of your level of experience, our comprehensive guidelines and troubleshooting advice will assist you in getting your PS4 back up and running. You don’t need to worry or contact technical assistance since we have you covered. Let’s get started and restore your favorite uninterrupted PlayStation 4 gaming experience!

What is PlayStation 4 Error Code CE-33992-6?

What is PlayStation 4 Error Code CE-33992-6?

When the PlayStation 4 console cannot connect to the internet or certain network services, it will display the network error code CE-33992-6. This error is frequently linked to difficulties such as unreliable internet connections, malfunctioning routers, or out-of-date system software.

When it occurs, it can interfere with PS4 internet services like streaming and online gaming. Fixing this problem usually entails checking the internet connection, upgrading the system software on the console, and analyzing the network settings. Maintaining a flawless PlayStation 4 gaming experience requires knowing about and fixing Error Code CE-33992-6.

What are the causes of PlayStation 4 Error Code CE-33992-6? 

There are several possible causes of PlayStation 4 Error Code CE-33992-6, the majority of which have to do with problems with network or internet connectivity. For troubleshooting to be efficient, it is necessary to comprehend these possible causes:

1. Problems with Internet Connection:

Weak or unreliable internet connections are among the main causes of this issue. The PS4 may not be able to maintain a consistent connection to the PlayStation Network (PSN) due to slow internet rates, sporadic disconnections, or network congestion.

2. Problems with the modem or router:

Error Code CE-33992-6 may be caused by issues with your modem or network. These problems could be caused by hardware failures, obsolete firmware, or inappropriate settings. It’s crucial to make sure your modem or router is functioning properly.

3. Configuring DNS:

Connectivity issues may arise from incorrect Domain Name System (DNS) settings on your PS4 or router. This error may occur by using the incorrect DNS server or from improper DNS configuration.

4. Firewall Restrictions:

It’s possible that the ports and protocols your PS4 needs to connect to the internet are being blocked by firewalls on your network or router. Occasionally, this problem can be fixed by adjusting the firewall settings on your router.

5. ISP Restrictions:

Certain Internet service providers (ISPs) have limitations on certain online services, such as gaming. The PS4’s inability to connect to the internet may be caused by network traffic shaping, NAT-related problems, or other ISP-specific regulations.

6. Old Software for the System:

Connectivity issues on the PS4 can occasionally be caused by out-of-date system software. To keep your network connection steady, make sure your PS4 is running the most recent firmware.

7. Setting Up the Network:

Error Code CE-33992-6 may be caused by incorrect network configurations on your PS4, such as IP address or subnet mask. Frequently, the problem can be fixed by checking and adjusting these settings.

8. Problems with the server:

Sometimes, the issue might not be with you but rather a transient problem with the PlayStation Network. Errors could be coming from servers that need maintenance or are having issues.

9. Problems with Wired and Wireless Connections:

In addition, if you’re using a wired connection, difficulties with your network cable or wireless network interference may be the source of your connectivity issues (if you’re using Wi-Fi). Such issues can be identified by inspecting wires and making sure that the wireless signal is strong.

You might need to carry out a number of troubleshooting procedures, such as examining your network hardware, setting up network settings, and making sure the system software on your PS4 is up to date in order to fix PlayStation 4 Error Code CE-33992-6. To implement the best remedy in your situation, you must pinpoint the precise cause.

How to fix PlayStation 4 Error Code CE-33992-6?

How to fix PlayStation 4 Error Code CE-33992-6?

Although troubleshooting PlayStation 4 Error Code CE-33992-6 can be difficult at times, it is frequently fixable with a methodical approach. Here is a thorough tutorial with step-by-step instructions to assist you in troubleshooting and resolving this error:

1. Verify Your Connection to the Internet:

To resolve CE-33992-6, the first and most important step is to make sure your internet connection is stable. 

Start Your Router or Modem Again:

To reset the settings of your modem and router, simply unplug them, wait for around 30 seconds, and then re-plug them. Refreshing your internet connection with this can help.

Inspect Other gadgets:

Verify that no other gadgets in your house are using an excessive amount of bandwidth. Downloading, streaming, and using several devices at once can cause your connection to lag.

Wireless versus wired:

If you’re having trouble with frequent disconnections or slow speeds from your Wi-Fi connection, you might want to consider switching to a wired Ethernet connection for a more reliable connection.

Speed of the Internet:

To assess the performance of your connection, do an internet speed test. For a reliable PSN connection, a minimum speed of about 3 Mbps might be required.

2. Verify PSN Status

Occasionally, the PlayStation Network may be the source of the problem rather than you. Visit the official PSN Status website to find out the current state of the PSN servers. In the event that the servers are undergoing maintenance or outage, you might need to wait until the problem is fixed on their end.

3. Update System Software

Incompatible software on the system may cause problems with connectivity. Make sure the most recent firmware is installed on your PS4.

  • On your PS4, navigate to “Settings.”
  • Proceed to “System.”
  • To search for updates, select “System Software Update”. 
  • Update your system software by following the on-screen instructions, if available.

4. Verify DNS Settings

Error Code CE-33992-6 can be caused by incorrect DNS settings. The following details how to verify and modify your DNS settings:

  • On your PS4, navigate to “Settings.”
  • Choose “Network.”
  • Select the option “Set Up Internet Connection.”
  • Decide whether to use a LAN or Wi-Fi network connection.
  • Go with the “Custom” setting.
  • In the IP Address and DHCP configurations, choose “Automatic.”
  • If asked to configure DNS, select “Manual.”
  • Put “” as the Primary DNS and “” (Google’s public DNS servers) as the -Secondary DNS. These are trustworthy DNS servers that are frequently able to fix DNS-related problems.
  • Proceed with the remaining setup steps and verify your connection.

5. Adjust Firewall Settings

Firewall settings on your router may be blocking the necessary ports and protocols for your PS4. Follow these instructions to set up the firewall on your router:

  • Log into the admin console of your router. Typically, this entails signing in to a web browser and entering the router’s IP address, such as
  • Locate the port forwarding or firewall settings area.
  • Either open the following ports for the PSN services or create a new port forwarding rule:
  • UDP: 3478-3479
  • TCP: 80, 443, 1935, 3478-3480
  • Save your modifications and, if required, restart your router.

Check ISP Restrictions

Certain internet services and games are restricted by certain internet service providers. Get support from your ISP if you think this is the problem. They may be able to assist you in setting up your connection so that gaming services function more smoothly.

1. Restore Default Settings

Consider returning your PS4 to its original settings if you’ve made any adjustments to your network or system settings that may have contributed to the problem. This is how you do it:

  • On your PS4, navigate to “Settings.”
  • Please choose “Initialization.”
  • Select the option “Restore Default Settings.”
  • Use this only as a last option because it will remove all custom settings you have set up on your PS4.

2. Test your network connection

Test your PS4’s network connection to make sure the problem has been fixed. As follows:

  • On your PS4, navigate to “Settings.”
  • Head over to “Network.”
  • Make sure to choose “Test Internet Connection.”

This test will check the status of your connection, as well as your NAT type and ability to connect to the PSN servers.

3. Get in touch with PlayStation Help

It could be necessary to get in touch with PlayStation Support if you’ve attempted all of the aforementioned solutions, but the error code CE-33992-6 persists. They can offer more help with troubleshooting and advice based on your particular circumstances.

4. Perform System Upkeep

On occasion, the problem may arise while the PSN servers are undergoing routine system maintenance. To find out if there is any ongoing maintenance that could be the cause of the problem, you can check the PlayStation Network Service Status on the official PlayStation website.

5. Hold off and try again

The error may occasionally be the result of transient problems with the PSN servers. You might have to wait a while and try connecting to the network once more after ruling out all other options.

6. Take Into Account VPN Use

Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) can occasionally help get around certain network restrictions imposed by your ISP or fix regional connectivity problems, albeit it’s not usually advised. Use caution, though, as utilizing a VPN can result in additional issues and security risks.

While PlayStation 4 error code CE-33992-6 can be annoying, if you follow the troubleshooting procedures listed above, you should be able to identify and fix the problem. It could take some time to identify the precise cause of the issue and implement the right solution, so go slowly and methodically.


In conclusion, a systematic approach to resolving network-related difficulties is necessary for troubleshooting and correcting PlayStation 4 Error Code CE-33992-6.

There are other steps to attempt, such as verifying your internet connection, altering DNS settings, updating system software, and modifying firewall settings.

As there are several possible causes of the problem, patience is essential. Make sure you have a dependable and steady internet connection at all times.

For individualized help, contacting PlayStation Support is a good choice if everything else fails. You may overcome CE-33992-6 and resume having continuous PS4 gaming sessions with the correct procedures and perseverance.


What is CE-33992-6, the PlayStation 4 error code?

On the PlayStation 4, there is a network-related fault with error code CE-33992-6. It happens when some network services or the internet cannot be accessed by the console.

How can I find out the PSN servers’ current state?

By going to the official PSN Status page on the PlayStation website, you can find out the current state of the PlayStation Network (PSN) servers. It will give details on the health of the server and any upcoming maintenance.

Why does this error interfere with my ability to play games online?

By stopping your PS4 from connecting to the PSN servers—which are necessary for multiplayer gaming, updating, and using online features—Error Code CE-33992-6 ruins your experience playing games online.

How should this error be troubleshooted initially?

You should examine your internet connection as a first step. Make sure it is stable, and try restarting your network and modem. In order to fix this error, you must have a reliable and robust internet connection.

Is it possible to fix this problem with a VPN?

In certain situations, using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to get around certain network restrictions may be helpful. However, it is not always advised and can cause further issues. Use caution when using a VPN, and if in doubt, speak with your ISP and VPN provider.

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