How to Fix Error Code CE-34878-0 in PS4?

How To Fix PlayStation 4 Error CE-34878-0 (Updated) – 2024

For gamers, seeing the PS4 error code CE-34878-0 can be rather annoying, particularly if it interferes with your gaming sessions. Even more frustrating is when you’ve tried a tonne of troubleshooting techniques, and the issue still doesn’t go away, meaning it’s a recurrent problem.

This manual is meant for serious PS4 gamers who take pleasure in playing games and want to avoid the inconvenience of running into the CE-34878-0 error code.

It also offers suggestions on how to resolve this problem successfully and even gives instructions on how to retrieve your PS4’s data. Continue reading to learn how to resolve the PS4 error CE-34878-0 if you want to be sure you never run into this issue again or if you’re looking for a quick repair.

What is PS4 Error CE-34878-0 in?

What is PS4 Error CE-34878-0 in?

On the PlayStation 4 (PS4), error code CE-34878-0 is a frequent and annoying problem that can ruin your gaming session. This error usually arises when an application or game crashes or doesn’t launch, causing the program to have to be forcefully closed and displaying the CE-34878-0 error message. It is crucial to comprehend its possible causes because it might happen with different games and for different reasons.

Game data that has been corrupted or damaged is one frequent cause of this problem. The CE-34878-0 issue may appear if the PS4 has trouble launching the application because the game files are corrupted or incomplete.

A software problem with the system is another possible reason. Games may not work properly on your PS4 if the firmware is out-of-date or has issues, which can cause crashes and error codes.

Sometimes, hardware problems like a broken memory module or a malfunctioning hard drive might also be the cause of the error. In some situations, diagnosing and maybe replacing the hardware may be necessary to fix the CE-34878-0 issue.

Making sure your system software and game are up to date is a good place to start when fixing this error. You might need to remove and reinstall the problematic game if it still doesn’t work. Furthermore, you can lessen the CE-34878-0 error on your PS4 by doing system maintenance and looking for hardware issues.

What is Responsible for PS4 Error CE-34878-0?

For gamers, the PS4 error number CE-34878-0 can be quite annoying and disruptive. In order to effectively troubleshoot this issue, it is necessary to understand its cause.

Although the precise causes of this error can differ, there are a few similar circumstances that lead to its development. Now let’s examine what usually causes your PS4 to encounter the CE-34878-0 error:

1. Corrupt Game Data:

One of the main causes of CE-34878-0 is game data corruption. A damaged or incomplete game file could make it difficult for the PS4 to execute the game smoothly, which could result in crashes and error messages. Interrupted downloads, incorrect installation, or even corrupted data while playing can cause this.

2. Antiquated Software for Games or Systems:

Using out-of-date systems or game software can cause incompatibilities and the CE-34878-0 error. Bug fixes and gameplay optimizations are frequently included in updates. Conflicts and game crashes may arise from neglecting to install these updates.

3. Insufficient Free Storage Space:

Another factor that may cause this issue is a shortage of free space on the hard disc of your PS4. To store system processes, temporary files, and game data, your PS4 needs enough storage space. Games may crash when the system’s storage is almost full, interfering with normal operation.

4. Hardware Issues:

The CE-34878-0 error may be caused by hardware problems. This could be caused by a malfunctioning hard disc, faulty memory, or other hardware-related issues. Game crashes and erratic performance may result from compromised PS4 components.

5. Background-Related Apps:

While gaming, running an excessive number of background apps or processes can tax the system’s resources and cause crashes. Apps for downloads, streaming services, and system upgrades may fall under this category.

6. Firm Problems:

Occasionally, the CE-34878-0 error can be brought on by issues with the network. Unstable internet connections might cause problems connecting to the game server and/or slow down the game’s performance, which can lead to crashes.

7. External Elements:

External circumstances such as power interruptions, abrupt system shutdowns, or physical damage to the console can occasionally cause the PS4 to malfunction and result in error codes such as CE-34878-0.

Numerous things, such as incorrect game data, out-of-date software, storage problems, hardware issues, background processes, and network issues, might result in the PS4 error number CE-34878-0.

Finding the precise reason behind the mistake is essential to successful troubleshooting. On your PS4, you can usually fix issues by going after the source of the problem and having a more seamless gaming experience.

How to Fix Error Code CE-34878-0 in PS4?

How to Fix PS4 Error CE-34878-0?

It can be difficult to fix the PS4 error number CE-34878-0, but it’s necessary if you want to play games continuously. There are several potential causes of this error, such as corrupt game data, out-of-date software, hardware malfunctions, storage problems, background operations, and network problems.

Here’s a thorough tutorial with step-by-step instructions and advice for every possible cause of the CE-34878-0 issue so you can continue playing games:

1. Upgrade your system software and games:

Updates for Games:

Make sure the most recent version of your games is installed. Updates and patches are made available by game creators to fix issues and boost functionality. A game’s update:

  • Emphasize the game on the PS4 home screen.
  • Click the Controller’s Options button.
  • Choose “Check for Updates.”
  • If updates are available, install them by following the prompts on the screen.

Update the system software on your PS4:

Make sure it’s current. Firmware updates from Sony are frequently released, and they can fix compatibility problems and increase system stability. To update the program on your system:

  • Open the PS4 dashboard’s “Settings” menu.
  • After lowering your cursor to “System,” choose “System Software Update.”
  • If an update is available, install it by following the prompts on the screen.

2. Make Space for Storage

  • Maintaining the performance of your PS4 and lowering the chance of problems like CE-34878-0 require careful storage space management. Here’s how to make room:

Remove Any Unused Apps and Games:

To clear up disc space, uninstall any games and apps that you are no longer using. To remove an app or game:

  • On your dashboard, highlight the game or application.
  • Click the Controller’s Options button.
  • Choose “Delete.”
  • Verify the removal.

Eliminate Captured Screenshots and Videos:

If your storage is overflowing with these types of files, you might choose to move them to an external drive or upload them to the cloud. Removing captures:

  • Access your dashboard’s “Capture Gallery” page.
  • Once a capture has been highlighted, click the Options button and choose “Delete.”

Clean Up Saved Data from Applications:

Large volumes of data are stored on your hard drive by certain games. This data is manageable from the PS4’s storage settings. To remove data saved by an application:

  • Open the PS4 dashboard’s “Settings” menu.
  • Choose “Storage.”
  • If you have an external drive, select “Extended Storage” or “System Storage.”
  • Put emphasis on “Applications.”
  • After selecting a game, click “Saved Data.”
  • Remove any saved data that isn’t needed.

3. Database rebuild

File fragmentation and small mistakes in the system’s storage can be removed by rebuilding the PS4’s database. To start the database over:

  • Verify that your PS4 is fully unplugged (not in Rest Mode).
  • Hold down the power button for approximately seven seconds after the first beep or until you hear a second one.
  • Press the PS button after using a USB cable to connect your controller to the PS4.
  • Click on “Rebuild Database.”
  • While it could take some time, this procedure can fix some issues and enhance system performance.

4. Install the Troublesome Game Again:

If a certain game is causing the CE-34878-0 issue, consider removing and then reinstalling it. By doing this, you can update the game’s data and get rid of any corrupt files that might be the problem:

  • Emphasise the game on the PS4 home screen.
  • Click the Controller’s Options button.
  • Choose “Delete.”
  • Verify the removal.
  • Reinstall the game from the disc or library.

5. Examine Hardware Issues:

To identify and fix any difficulties with the parts of your PS4, you might need to speak with Sony’s customer service or hire a qualified expert if you have any suspicions about hardware problems. The following hardware problems may be a factor in the CE-34878-0 error:

  • Hard Drive Failure: Crashes and corrupted data may result from a failed hard drive. Think about switching to a bigger, more dependable hard disc or replacing the current one.
  • Memory Problems: Crashing PS4s can also be caused by memory issues. These problems may need to be diagnosed and fixed by professionals.

6. Limit Background Processes

It’s a good idea to quit or suspend background apps that aren’t necessary for the game while you’re playing. This can lower the possibility of crashes and free up system resources:

  • Press and hold the PS button on your controller to pause background-running apps. This brings up the fast menu, from which you can exit or navigate between open programs.

7. Stabilize Your Network Connection

If the error appears to be related to network problems, make sure you have a dependable and quick internet connection, particularly if you play online games.

Online gaming often benefits from wired connections, but if you must use Wi-Fi, keep these pointers in mind to reduce interference and signal disruptions:

  • To lessen signal loss, put your PS4 and router close to one another.
  • If your Wi-Fi network has a 5GHz band, use it as it typically provides faster and more reliable connections.
  • Steer clear of cordless phones, microwave ovens, and other items that can interfere with Wi-Fi signals to reduce interference from other devices.
  • If at all possible, use an Ethernet cable to connect your PS4 to the router for a stronger, more direct signal.

There are a number of procedures that may be taken to address the many possible reasons for the PS4 error code CE-34878-0 and resolve it.

You can frequently fix the error and continue playing PS4 games without interruption by managing your storage, updating your software, rebuilding the database, reinstalling troublesome games, looking for hardware issues, limiting background processes, and stabilizing your network connection.

If the issue still doesn’t go away after attempting these fixes, you might need to get in touch with Sony customer service for more help or to have your device professionally diagnosed and repaired.


In conclusion, a mix of hardware and software troubleshooting is needed to resolve the PS4 error CE-34878-0. This error may be avoided quite a bit by managing storage, keeping your games and system up to date, and taking care of any possible hardware problems.

You may also improve your overall game experience by reducing background operations and streamlining your network connection. Your PS4 gaming experience will be more fluid and error-free after resolving this issue, even though it can take some time and work.

If the issue continues, think about contacting Sony’s customer service or seeking further in-depth advice from a qualified expert.


What is CE-34878-0, the PS4 error code?

A message of error known as PS4 error code CE-34878-0 displays when a game on your PlayStation 4 system crashes or malfunctions. It’s a typical mistake that may ruin your game session.

How can the error CE-34878-0 be fixed?

A few fixes include reinstalling the troublesome game, rebuilding the database, updating the system and game software, restricting background processes, stabilizing your network connection, and cleaning up storage space.

Can data loss result from the error?

Yes, data loss may result from game crashes caused by this issue, especially if the game breaks during the saving process or if save files get damaged. To reduce data loss, it’s a good idea to routinely back up your game saves to the cloud or a USB storage device.

Is there a way to stop CE-34878-0 from happening again in the future?

Maintain your PS4 to avoid the CE-34878-0 issue by controlling storage space, updating games and software, and reducing background processes when playing. Another way to prevent data loss is to routinely back up your game saves.

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